Namespace xFunc.Maths.Expressions
- Abs
Represents the Absolute operator.
- Add
Represents an Addition operator.
- Assign
Represents the ":=" operator and the assign function.
- BinaryExpression
The base class for binary operations.
- CallExpression
Represent the expression to call function.
- Ceil
Represents the "ceil" function.
- Curry
Represents the "curry" function which allows you to convert any lambda to the list of nested lambdas which you can partially apply.
- Del
Represents the "Del" operator.
- DelegateExpression
Represents a function in code.
- Derivative
Represents the 'deriv' function.
- DifferentParametersExpression
The base class for expressions with different number of parameters.
- Div
Represents the Division operator.
- EmptyValue
Represents the empty value (needed for functions that don't return any value).
- ExecutionException
Represents an exception which is thrown if expression doesn't support result type of own argument.
- Exp
Represents the Exponential function.
- Fact
Represents the Factorial function.
- Floor
Represents the "floor" function.
- Frac
Represents the 'frac' function.
Represents a greatest common divisor.
Represents a least common multiple.
- LambdaExpression
Represents an expression that returns a function.
- LambdaExtensions
Extension methods for Lambda and LambdaExpression.
- Lb
Represents the binary logarithm function.
- Lg
Represents the Common logarithm function.
- Ln
Represents the Natural logarithm function.
- Log
Represents the Logarithm function.
- Mod
Represents the Modulo operator.
- Mul
Represents the Multiplication operator.
- Number
Represents a number.
- Pow
Represents the Exponentiation operator.
- Rational
Represents the rational number expression.
- Root
Represents the nth root operator.
- Round
Represents the "round" function.
- Sign
Represents the Sign function.
- Simplify
Represents the Simplify function.
- Sqrt
Represents the Square Root function.
- StringExpression
Represents a string.
- Sub
Represents the Subtraction operator.
- ToBin
Represents the 'tobin' function.
- ToHex
Represents the 'tohex' function.
- ToNumber
Represents the 'tonumber' function.
- ToOct
Represents the 'tooct' function.
- ToRational
Represents the function to convert NumberValue to RationalValue.
- Trunc
Represents the 'truncate' function.
- UnaryExpression
The abstract base class that represents the unary operation.
- UnaryMinus
Represents the unary minus.
- Unassign
Represents the unassign function.
- Variable
Represents variables in expressions.
- Lambda
Represents the custom function without name.
- NumberValue
Represents the number value.
- RationalValue
Represents the rational number.
- IExpression
Defines methods to work with expressions.