Namespace xFunc.Maths.Results
- Result
Represents the result of expression evaluation.
- Result.AngleResult
Represents the angle result.
- Result.AreaResult
Represents the area result.
- Result.BooleanResult
Represents the boolean result.
- Result.ComplexNumberResult
Represents the complex number value.
- Result.EmptyResult
Represents the empty result.
- Result.LambdaResult
Represents the lambda result.
- Result.LengthResult
Represents the length result.
- Result.MassResult
Represents the mass result.
- Result.MatrixResult
Represents the matrix result.
- Result.NumberResult
Represents the number result.
- Result.PowerResult
Represents the power result.
- Result.RationalResult
Represents the rational result.
- Result.StringResult
Represents the string result.
- Result.TemperatureResult
Represents the temperature result.
- Result.TimeResult
Represents the time result.
- Result.VectorResult
Represents the vector result.
- Result.VolumeResult
Represents the volume result.